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The Birth of Toby – Adelaide Birth Photographer

Writer: Victoria BerekmeriVictoria Berekmeri

The birth journey of little Toby was a labour of calmness and experience of true sisterhood. I recall receiving a message from Toby’s mum, Elissa earlier in the day that things were starting. Although we knew it wasn’t urgent, we agreed I should come over and spend some time together as things progressed naturally throughout the day. It was a really wonderful time, the space was filled with Elissa, her two special little boys and a small group of dear women who supported Elissa as she calmly laboured the day away. It was an experience of bonding, trust and sharing as we all held the space for her.

As the time came closer, we ventured into the hospital to be greeted by a wonderful birth team I’ve worked with a number of times previously from the Southern Midwifery Group Practice. The same midwife had birthed Elissa’s other two boys so this was a truly special blessing. With stunning power Elissa birthed her beautiful 8lb 2oz baby boy at 5:50am, 2.5hrs after arriving at hospital.

With very special thanks to Elissa, I share her wonderful journey to birth little Toby. xx





2016 Awarded AIPP Master Photographer  |  2015 Epson AIPP South Australian Award for Creative Excellence

|  2014 Canon AIPP Australian Birth Photographer of the Year   |  2013 Canon AIPP Australian Documentary Photographer of the Year

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