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Telling the Birth Story – Sashini and George Part 2

Writer: Victoria BerekmeriVictoria Berekmeri

The journey Sashini and George took together on this day was something so powerful to witness. The bond of love and support was an incredible foundation for the two of them becoming parents.

Arriving at the hospital on a rainy Friday afternoon, I found the now familiar couple in the throes of labour. Sashini was doing all she could to manage each wave of contraction, with George always close by with supportive concern. The midwife on shift was such a caring and enthusiastic professional. Sashini had a great birth team on board, ready for action.

As an empowered and informed woman, Sashini allowed herself to experience the full force of labour and the amazing power of her body. The fatigue and strength she battled through was incredible as we watched on, offering our support in quiet and careful ways. After some time the journey to bring this baby into the world via cesarean was decided on.

To add to the excitement of the imminent arrival of their baby, Sashini and George requested of the hospital staff that I be present in theatre to capture the first moments with their new child. Permission was granted by all concerned and we prepared for that moment.

We couldn’t have predicted the full power of Sashini’s body and the way it would react to the anesthetic. As a result, George and I had to both wait outside theatre until the little baby boy was brought out to us. To be honest, it was an agonising wait. We sat in the sterile waiting bay listening… and then we heard the virile cry of a child. The first theatre nurse burst through the doors and holding her hands apart she indicated baby’s size, stating he was as big as a 3 month old! The Midwife soon followed announcing the baby was the size of a toddler! One thing was certain, this precious little life was strong and ready for the world!

When his father first laid eyes on his new son, it was a moment that took our breaths away. We all had tears in our eyes as this very alert baby boy could not take his eyes of his daddy every time he spoke. As soon as Sashini was stable in recovery, we were all allowed in to see her and I was so grateful to document her meeting her beautiful baby boy. I know Sashini’s recollection of this time was hazy, but having the images is really such an important part of piecing together her journey for her own mind.

I feel so strongly about the value of documenting birth. Going through the most profound event of birth changes us in ways that leave a lasting impact. The ability to piece together that journey can really build the bonds between family members, heal from painful elements, understand the lessons, grow and move forward with greater wisdom and respect for ourselves… not to mention giving us the ability to pass on this story and all it’s lessons to the next generation so they might know the truth of love and power that we experienced to bring them into this world.





2016 Awarded AIPP Master Photographer  |  2015 Epson AIPP South Australian Award for Creative Excellence

|  2014 Canon AIPP Australian Birth Photographer of the Year   |  2013 Canon AIPP Australian Documentary Photographer of the Year

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